ARLIN MARSHALL has such prominent abdominal muscles that even with flat flash lighting as used in this photo they show up quite well. Arlin also has outstanding oblique muscles, but these could not be shown since he is one of the very few bodybuilders not wishing to work in a conventional posing strap though thousands of the most famous bodybuilders in the world do pose in a strap as a means of showing as much of their muscularity as is possible--the thousands who have done strap work include Grimek, Clarence Ross, Richard DuBois, Reg Parks-all men who have held titles of Mr. America or greater!

Like most other athletes around Hollywood, Arlin occassionally does movie work. Also, he recently went on tour with Jimmie Durante, and made many wonderful new friends in show business. For a short period of time he managed one of the chain gyms in the Los Angeles area, but though he enjoys weighttraining, being tied down to such a job provd much too monotonous for this energetic lad. He has been married once and sired a beautiful daughter of whom he is very proud.

AMG offers 3 pages of Arlin in YR: 30c.

DANNY BROBECK 22 5'5", 144#, from Penn Works out 5 days week at base gym. Loves horses and cowboy's life. Expects to go into. construction work. AMG's YR13 pp 24-25.

HANK PRATER, 20, who exercises very infrequently, yet is able to maintain extraordinary proportions. An avid motorcyclist, he is active in all outdoor activities. This and many other AMG photos were made at the home of a Hollywood residence of a famous philosopher teacher, who is also an enthusiastic physical culturist and heartily recommends basic health practices to his great following.

3 pages of Honk Prater offers by AMG in their catalogs YR13 pp 34 thru 36.

EUGENE MEYER at age 18 in on informal pose. Eugene was a physique phenomenon as early as his twelfth year at which time he was an expert performer on the Roman Rings and the High Bor. Before ever touching a weight, he had an outstanding body, but thru weight training built it to amazing proportions. But ofter getting married to an excellent cook he began eating for in excess of his energy output and consequent ly he has recently become quite stout. AMG. 12 photos Meyers $2.50, 6 catalogs 60c.

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